3. The Project Leadership Team - The Will To Change
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3. The Project Leadership Team

The Project Leadership Team

An experienced and coherent Project Leadership Team will make the difference between the project’s success and failure.

This module covers:


1. The composition and role of the Project Leadership Team


2. The Critical Success Factors for the Project Leadership Team


3. A case story to illustrate the concepts of this module


4. Supporting the success of the Project Leadership Team


5. An approach to assess the performance of the Project Leadership Team

The Critical Success Factors of The Project Leadership Team



1.   Experience. The Project Leadership Team should have the track record and collective experience of successfully delivering projects of a similar size and complexity as the project at hand. 


2. Authority. The Project Leadership Team should have the authority necessary to make the business, people, and technology decisions needed to execute the project.


3. Alignment. The Project Leadership Team should be individually and collectively aligned with the project objectives, scope, and strategy.


4. Execution. The Project Leadership Team should be able to manage effectively and efficiently the multiple teams and work-streams comprising the project, and stay on top of issues, risks, tasks, and people matters.


5.  Relationship Dynamics. The Project Leadership Team should have harmonious and positive relationship dynamics, and should be able to resolve discords in ways that are focused on the issues, not the personalities.

In this module you will learn about:


a.   The composition, roles, and responsibilities of The Project Leadership Team


b.   The Critical Success Factors (CSFs) that are necessary to the team to function at a high level of effectiveness and maturity


c.   A case story to illustrate the function of the Project Leadership Team


d.   Ways to enable and support the Project Leadership Team to perform at its best.


e.   An approach to assess the performance of the team and determine if actions or inactions of the team are putting the project at risk of failure or under-delivery.



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